The Pioneer Valley Meshtastic Network R2-D2 BOT is a process that performs some automated tasks on the network. Currently R2 has a few functions:
- Sends a daily weather forecast to the LongFast channel (channel 0) at 5:30am.
- Sends special weather statements for the area when issued by the National Weather Service. Any observed/likely extreme/severe alerts for Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden counties will be sent to the LongFast channel. Less severe alerts are posted to the P V Open channel.
- Accepts commands from users on the network via Direct Message and performs actions based on those commands. Currently there are four commands supported:
- “Password” (or “Pass”) - sending the word “Password” followed by a password by direct messasge to R2-D2 will set the password for your station to access the messages section of this website. Choose a unique password for this feature and not one you use for other sites on the internet.
- “Weather” (or “Wx”) - sending the word “Weather” by direct message to R2-D2 will reply with the current weather forecast for the Pioneer Valley from the National Weather Service. You can specifiy a particular forecast period in the future by following the word “Weather” with a number. For example, you can send the command “Weather 2” to get the forecast two periods in the future. Send “Weather ?” for a list of the forecast periods available.
- “Last” - sends you via DM the last 5 messages posted to the LongFast channel (channel 0) seen by the bot. This is handy to see if you missed any messages while out of range of the mesh.
- “Battery” (or “Bat”) status mode. Monitor the battery status for a node. To start monitoring a battery status send a direct message to R2-D2 of the form “Bat 45” and R2-D2 will send you a direct message warning you when your node’s battery falls below 45%. You can monitor a different node by adding the node id to the command, eg; “Bat 60 !abcd1234” where “!abcd1234” is the node id of the node you wish to monitor. When that node’s battery drops below 60% you will get a warning from R2-D2. To stop monitoring a battery, set the percentage to 0. In the example where we are monitoring the node “!abcd1234”, send the command “Bat 0 !abcd1234” for example. Of course, like all Mestastic messages delivery of warning DMs is not 100% reliable.
If you send R2 a message and do not get a reply, try again. Meshtastic messages are not 100% reliable. It is possbile that R2 did not hear your message or the reply did not make it back to you.
The BOT is experimental and likely tempermental. Trouble or ideas for other tasks let me know.