What is this about? This is an attempt document the Meshtastic use in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts and gather metrics on how well various nodes are able to communcate and perhaps use this information to improve the mesh.
Why? Good question. I’m interested in the intersection of radio communications, computers, and the internet. There seems to be a bunch of like minded folks around here with similar interests. Maybe you’ll find this site useful?
The site itself uses the static site generator software Hugo with a repository in Gitlab and served via Netlify. All the data comes from four local Meshtastic nodes connnected to a MQTT server. A set of Python scripts monitors the MQTT service for nodeinfo, telemetry, traceroute and neighbor packets from the mesh and stores some data in a sql database and time series data in an InfluxDB database. The telemetry graphs use Chart.js. Telemetry data, node listing and map data come from a simple Flask API outputing JSON data. The Network data comes from traceoute packets observed on the network and rendered using the Mermaid diagram and chart library.
Comments, questions, suggestions for improvement? Let me know.